About Marie Høi-Hansen

Marie Høi-Hansen

Marie works with the imperfect in the acceptance of the imperfection as the process of exploration into shapes, colors and material. She is inspired by the way of working from a range of American artist.

Marie has received recognition of her work through magazines in Germany and Spain and censored exhibitions in Denmark.

Marie to right talking to visitors at the exhibition about her art.

Marie Høi-Hansen wins first price
at Mississippi Censored art exhibition 2024

Marie was accepted at the Mississippi art exhibition with 5 works of textile art. She was very surprised since this was her first censored exhibtion when her name came up as the winner of the 1st price among almost 100 artist and 500 applicants. The panel of censors consisted of Else Ploug Isaksen, visual artist and teacher at Aarhus Art Academy. Pia Möller-Light, visual artist. Lene Desmentik, sculptor and teacher at Aarhus Art Academy.

Mississippi Exhibition 2024

Exhibitions, Galleries and Shops

Marie Høi-Hansen are represented at galleries, art shops and exhibitions.

For request and visit at her studio – Contact Marie

Studio: Havarthivej, 2840 Holte




2024 – The Jurys 1st prize at Mississippi Center for Art & Culture


Kunst 86



2022 Cafe Mirum, Lyngby

2023 Vallensbæk Kulturhus

2023 NCC Kunstforening

2024 Mississippi (Censored)

2024 Bugten 24 (Censored)


Boligliv (Danish Magazine, 2022)

Patchwork Professional (German magazine, 2023)

Spanish magazine (2024)

The development

Marie has developed her work since she began quilting in 2021. From blankets, bags and purses to artistic expression with abstract shapes and colours yet still in the shape as paintings and since 2024 to a much more expressive and shapeless research of the possibilities in quilting and fabrics.


One of Maries earlier works. Quilt on a frame.

Censored exhibition: Maries work displayed at Bugten 24. Marie was chosen as on of the 60 artist out of almost 300 who applied for the exhibition.

Censored exhibition: Maries first censored exhibition in 2024. She won the 1st price and was very proud – and surprised. There was 500 applicants for the exhibition and little less than a 100 artists were accepted.

Visit and talk

Visit Marie at her Studio in Holte (Denmark). See her most recent work and development and get to know her creative process of working with textile and fabrics.